SCONUL's HELibTech-article on ERM systems

SCONUL’s Higher Education Library Technology website (HELibTech- ) has been updated with a short article on ERM
systems. Included in the article are some references to the recent (April 2010) edition of ‘Against The Grain’ (the journal associated with the
Charleston conference) which has a series of articles on ERM systems—useful for anyone thinking about how best to manage their
electronic resources.
One author writes. ‘Manual data entry has also been a major concern with commercial ERMS products’ and another says ‘many libraries do not have the budget to pay for an ERM system; others feel they do not have the time or staffing capabilities to fully implement a system once it is purchased’.
Go to the HELibTech home page ( and click on the ‘Electronic Resource Management’ link (under the ‘Specific themes’

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