IASSIST 2011: Data Science Professionals: a Global Community of Sharing
The 37th International Association for Social Science Information
Services and Technology (IASSIST) annual conference will be hosted by
Simon Fraser University and University of British Columbia and will be
held in Vancouver, Canada, May 31 – June 3, 2011.
The theme of this year’s conference is Data Science Professionals: a
Global Community of Sharing. Social science benefits from professional
practices that enable sharing of data, information, and knowledge with
a global community. This theme is intended to stimulate discussions
about ways in which sharing data, information, and knowledge can
contribute to research and to professional practices that enable
scientific progress. Submissions are encouraged that offer improvements
for creating, documenting, submitting, describing, disseminating, and
preserving scientific research data.
We seek submissions on the theme outlined above, and encourage
conference participants to propose papers and sessions that would be of
interest to themselves and other attendees. Below is a sample of
possible topics that may be considered:
– Data sharing, access and management in the future
– Identifying and reducing barriers to data sharing
– Issues of confidentiality in sharing
– Sharing professional data science skills, knowledge, and
techniques within and across disciplines
– Citation of research data and persistent identifiers
– Metadata facilitating data sharing
– Emerging research infrastructures and data sharing
– New data partnerships in knowledge communities
– Sharing resources and data through social networks
– Identifying user needs and customizing data services to
meet the needs
– The evolving data librarian profession
– Data science practices that support global use and
understanding of research data
– Open (linked) data and digital repositories
– Preservation for sharing, recovering data for contemporary use
Proposals on other topics related to the conference theme will be
considered too. Papers will be selected from a wide range of subjects
to ensure a broad balance of topics.
The Program Committee welcomes proposals for:
– Individual presentations (typically 15-20 minutes)
– Sessions, which could take a variety of formats (e.g. a set of three
or four presentations, a discussion panel, a discussion with the
audience, etc.)
– Posters/demonstrations for the poster session
– Workshops (pre-conference workshops that blend lecture and hands-on
instruction). [Note: A separate call for workshops is forthcoming.]
Again this year we would be interested in receiving submissions for
presentations in formats successfully introduced in last year’s
conference, in particular
– Pecha Kucha (a presentation of 20 slides shown for 20 seconds each,
with a heavy emphasis on visual content).
– Round table discussions (as these are likely to have limited spaces,
an explanation of how the discussion will be shared with the wider
group should form part of the proposal).
Session formats are not limited to these ideas and session organizers
are welcome to suggest other formats. Proposals for complete sessions
should list the organizer or moderator and possible participants; the
session organizer will be responsible for securing both session
participants and a chair.
All submissions should include the proposed title and an abstract no
longer than 200 words. Longer abstracts will be returned to be
shortened before being considered. Please note that all presenters are
required to register and pay the registration fee for the conference;
registration for individual days will be available.
A web form for submission of proposals will be available on the
conference web site on October 18, 2010.
Deadline for submission: November 29, 2010.
Notification of acceptance: February 3, 2011.
Please note that the Conference Program Committee may not be able to
accept all proposals.
Conference papers will be considered for articles in the IASSIST
Quarterly. This applies to individual papers as well as selections of
papers from sessions that could form special issues of the IASSIST
For more information about the conference, including travel and
accommodation, see the conference web site at:
IASSIST is an international organization of professionals working in
and with information technology and data services to support research
and teaching in the social sciences. Typical workplaces include data
archives/libraries, statistical agencies, research centers, libraries,
academic departments, government departments, and non-profit
organizations. See for further information.
31 May – 3 June 2011
Vancouver, Canada
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