EBLIP6 – Call for Submissions

EBLIP6 – Valuing knowledge and expertise The 6th International Evidence Based Library and Information Practice Conference 2nd Call for Submissions

The International Programme Committee for EBLIP6 invites the submission of abstracts for both papers and posters for the conference to be held at the University of Salford, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom from 27-30th June 2011.

Details of the conference can be found on the conference website at http://www.eblip6.salford.ac.uk Submissions should be made on the form at The completed form should emailed to eblip6@salford.ac.uk by 3rd December 2010.

EBLIP6 is aimed at all library and information professionals, whatever their discipline, sector, role or stage of career. The conference seeks to build on the success of the previous 5 conferences by providing for a wide range of researchers and practitioners to present their work. The conference will continue the practice of previous conferences by providing a supportive environment to those presenting or embarking on evaluation or research for the first time as well as being an outlet for more established practitioners in this area

The International Programme Committee looks forward to receiving papers which report research, review evidence,report innovative practice, hot topic discussion papers and posters. Papers are not restricted to the Key themes which are:

• Evidence based practice: reflection

• Evidence based practice: outcomes, impact and value

• Evidence based practice: practical and applicable?

• Evidence based practice: innovation, education and research

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