Novos livros de Biblioteconomia e Arquivologia!

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 Informo sobre el nuevo libro sobre los archiveros “Arquivista, visibilidade profissional: formação, associativismo e mercado de trabalho”, de Profª Drª Katia Isabelli Melo de Souza.
El libro presenta la tríade compuesta por los cursos de grado en Arquivologia de Brasil, los colectivos profesionales y el mercado laboral en análisis con los archiveros. Quién son y lo que hacen los profesionales archiveros.

Pedidos para Livraria Cultura


A new textbook ‘Interactive Information Seeking, Behaviour and Retrieval’ edited by Ian Ruthven, University of Strathclyde, UK and Diane Kelly, University of North Carolina, USA, has recently been published by Facet Publishing.

This textbook provides an information science perspective on information retrieval. Uniquely, the book covers the whole spectrum of information retrieval and is the first book to integrate information behaviour, information seeking and information retrieval into a single account of how we find information. Contributed to by an international team of
leading scholars, the book demonstrates how studies of human information behaviour lead to the next generation of interactive search systems. A key text for senior undergraduates and masters’ level students of all information and library studies courses, this book is also useful for practising LIS professionals who need to better appreciate how IR
systems are designed, implemented and evaluated.

Table of Contents

Foreword Tefko Saracevic
1. Interactive information retrieval: history and background (Colleen Cool and Nicholas J Belkin)
2. Information behavior and seeking (Peiling Wang)
3. Task-based information searching and retrieval (Elaine G Toms)
4. Approaches to investigating information interaction and behaviour (Raya Fidel)
5. Information representation (Mark D Smucker)
6. Access models (Edie Rasmussen)
7. Evaluation (Kalervo Järvelin
8. Interfaces for information retrieval (Max Wilson)
9. Interactive techniques (Ryen W White)
10. Web retrieval, ranking and personalization (Jaime Teevan and Susan Dumais)
11. Recommendation, collaboration and social search (David M Nichols and Michael B Twidale)
12. Multimedia: behaviour, interfaces and interaction (Haiming Liu, Suzanne Little and Stefan Rüger)
13. Multimedia: information representation and access (Suzanne Little, Evan Brown and Stefan Rüger).

‘This is an interesting collection that deserves to be adopted as a key text within information science courses. Award-winning, internationally renowned editors have enticed a number of experts, some with industry experience, to provide high-quality contributions. The solid chapters discussing core fields that make up its coverage – information seeking, information behaviour, information retrieval (IR) – assure its place on reading lists. The editors have ensured new developments receive attention but not at the expense of the essentials of the fields.’ – JOURNAL OF INFORMATION LITERACY

‘The chapters are well written, targeted at students on all levels, from bachelor to PhD. We are in no doubt that the content of this book may well fit in many information science curricula. One of the strong points of this book is its ease of reading and understanding because the editors have properly observed the coherency among the chapters, making
references to related chapters in the text. – ‘INFORMATION RESEARCH’

2011; 320pp, paperback; 978-1-85604-707-4; £44.95

Available from, amongst other stockists,

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