Materiais de estudo gratuitos sobre biblioteca digital

Localizei alguns materiais gratuitos sobre biblioteca digital que compartilho. Podem ser úteis para concursos, pois tem sido um tema recorrente, e também para quem trabalha diretamente com o assunto.

Bons estudos!

Digital Libraries Wiki
This wiki was constructed during fall 2009 by students in IST 676 (Digital Libraries) as part of their studies about digital libraries. The direction of the course, as well as their own interests, led them to compile a wide variety of information on digital libraries and their use, including information on technology. Since they found the content useful to their studies, they wanted to make it available to more people, like you! Please explore at your leisure. If you have comments about this wiki, send them to Jill Hurst-Wahl (jahurst at

Digital Library Network South Asia
DLNETSA (Digital Library Network South Asia) is a regional consortium of South Asia Region. The objective is to create an operational and sustainable digital library network with focus on providing support for integrated library system and digital library activities with emphasis on use of Greenstone Digital Library (GSDL) and Koha ILS software user communities of this region […]

Metadata & Digital Library Development
In an applied, exercise-based context, the Metadata and Digital Library Development course introduces participants to metadata implementation considerations and processes in a digital library development context.

Digital Library Curriculum Development
This project is funded by the National Science Foundation through grants NSF IIS-0535057 (to Virginia Tech) and IIS-0535060 (to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), and builds upon a collaboration between Virginia Tech and the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

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